Friday, October 8, 2010

False Testimony

The Bible says that we should not give false testimony about others (Exodus 20:16). It may be a strange concept (sarcasm), but this applies even when talking about political leaders and famous people. It seems there are thousands of inaccurate messages spreading around-online and verbally- largely about Obama. Claims that he allied with governmental enemies. Photos of him committing various faux-paus (left hand over his heart). Spoof videos to prove his stupidity or his immorality. Obama's the big target for now, but it happens with the other leaders- local, state, and federal.

We have an obligation to ensure that to the best of our ability, the information we spread is true (as well as relevant; an actors private life is none of our business anyway, but a leader's is, because their behavior represents their ethics, which play out in their leadership). So many people assume that because someone they trust posted something, it's true. But often, it's not, if only because they received it from someone they trusted, on down the line. Going back to my last post, even the political discussions on the Christian Radio station have been factually incorrect at times(ie: about a Muslim "Mosque" that is really a community center with a religious component). So why do we assume that what we see on a social network must be true?

Sometimes, the person doing the posting knows that the information they share is fake, and assumes that everyone else will know as well. But then someone who wants to believe it, pays less attention to the inconsistencies, and so the information spreads, and is used to back beliefs. It may weaken the shock-factor to say ahead of time, that something has been doctored, or is a spoof, a joke, etc, but on the internet, where information flies faster and farther than you can say, "sike!", people must, if following biblical principles, clarify themselves. Otherwise, it amounts to false testimony.

Many times, people believe they are passing on true information. Well, if you didn't know the risk before, you know now. The information you receive still needs to be verified. It is easy to create fake photos and videos now. But it is also easy to look-up claims on, which investigates rumors, and can quite-often tell you whether they're true, and how they know. Or look it up by typing "urban legends" into google, checking governmental sites, or checking the sites that belong to the quoted source (ie: if the video looks a lot like a CNN newscast, check the CNN site). Don't just assume that what you are passing along is true. Otherwise, you become a part of the problem.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Christian Radio

Sometimes, I turn to the Christian talk station to listen to the sermons and discussions, or the advice shows. They are thought-provoking even when I don't quite agree with everything they have to say.
BUT quite often, I turn to the station at the wrong time... apparently... because what I hear has little to nothing to do with the Christianity that Christ preached.
POINT 1: Certain political conversations. I have heard them say that if we are really Christians, we will stand up against the socialist health care system because our government is trying to take control of our lives. I'm sorry, but my take on it was, "we could benefit from some system that offers services to people who otherwise can't obtain or afford it. Whether this particular system needs to be dramatically altered or not is a fair argument, but..." then I realized what I heard: "if I'm really a Christian? So you're saying..." I started shouting at the radio, "HOW DARE YOU SAY I'M NOT A CHRISTIAN!"... so anyway,
POINT 2: The way advertising is done. According to some, as a woman, I need to worry that one day, I will have unsightly wrinkles, and my esteem will be low unless I use this cream. I need to do something about my teeth because, obviously, they aren't up to par. I need to.... Apparently, God messed up when he made me, but if I do x, y, and z, I can fix it and feel okay going out in public once again. God may have clothed the birds, but we must take care of ourselves. Well, I understand that a message of, "God made you beautiful just the way you are" isn't going to sell much, but don't bring down our esteem. We are God's children, they should know better. If they want to sell and fit into the identity of Christian, the message needs to be, "if you want to look even better."- well that could be playing on vanity, but at least it's not bullying.
POINT 3: The degree to which certain talk shows emphasize the importance of money and financial security. Of investing it appropriately. Of saving it.... all for the benefit, as I said, of financial security. Sometimes, they seem to forget that spending it to help others, or taking a low-paying job because that's where you're called to be are also valuable. I like Stuff, but what is the value of Stuff? Such talk-shows have a way of coming across as promoting materialism. They say we need to be financially secure. I like security. But what about trusting God? Is it really a need- or just something we would like; Something to make us a little less dependant on God to get us through the month?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

One Fail for Medi-cal

I'm really frustrated right now. Actually, that doesn't come close to how I feel. I'm sad, disappointed in my country, and angry. A woman whom I know needs hip surgery- so that she can take care of her children and have a job. She receives Medi-cal. She's been waiting for months to get permission for the surgery. Until then, she's supposed to be on her feet as little as possible, but as a widow with young children, this isn't feasible. She was recently informed that her consultation has finally been set... for November, 2011. It is currently August, 2010, so she only has to wait 15 months. The consultation will plan out the actual surgery, which, she has been told, she will have some time in 2012.
What kind of world do we live in? Isn't there anything we can do? If I were the one needing hip surgery, I'd be going in to ER regularly, just to make it as inconvenient for the hospital and for Medi-cal as possible with the hopes that they'd schedule it sooner. But she still has kids to take care of, so that would be rather hard... And even if she gets the help she needs, the system is still putting others through this same horrendous situation. How do we change this system?